Company News


Horizon Welcomes Its 14th Annivesary Celebration of Establishment


All the employees from Horizon Water Co.,Ltd. planted many trees in delimited area of Beijing periphery to celebrate its 14th anniversary of company establishment on April,18th,2017.

As an environmental-protection company, Horizon is always dedicated to make its contributions for public good by actual actions to make the surroundings comfortable and congenial.

In order to satisfy the customer’s requirements in maximum and make our plant even greener, over the years, Horizon has developed various high quality, good performance and cost effective products & is dedicated to providing professional solution and equipment at home and abroad to Industries like petroleum, petrochemical, coal chemical, electrical power, steel, municipal engineering and what not,the main business include:feed water treatment, industrial waste water treatment, municipal sewage treatment, seawater desalination ,and zero liquid discharge etc. 

From this activity, all the employees are vigorously and actively to take their own actions to make contributions for surroundings better.